Procol Harum's ninth studio album,
Something Magic, was released in March 1977, it sold poorly and was largely dismissed, with the group breaking up at the end of the promotional tour for it. With this reissue more than 30 years later, annotator
Roland Clare argues it is "in need of outright reappraisal." He doesn't actually make that case, but he does explain the circumstances that led to the debacle. After its previous album,
Procol's Ninth, produced by
Jerry Leiber and
Mike Stoller,
Procol Harum might have been expected to go back to a more conventional approach; instead, the group hired the hot studio of the day, Criteria in Miami, and its hot resident producers,
Ron and
Howie Albert. When the band arrived in Florida and played the songs intended for the album, the
Albert brothers threw half of them out. That left half of an album to fill, which led singer/pianist/composer
Gary Brooker to turn to a parable-like poem written years earlier by his lyric partner
Keith Reid, "The Worm & the Tree," and -- in a move anticipating
This Is Spinal Tap -- writing a musical suite around it to fill up side two. He then recited the poem rather than actually setting it to music, creating a pretentious work just at a time when critics and fans were tiring of peers like
Jethro Tull and
Yes doing much the same thing. It didn't help that the songs making up side one were relatively minor
Procol Harum. None of this has changed in the ensuing decades, but
Clare's explanation is interesting to read; the remastered sound is terrific; and the album boasts three bonus tracks including not only the instrumental B-side "Backgammon," which has appeared elsewhere, but also previously unreleased live versions of two of the songs
the Alberts rejected, "You'd Better Wait" and "This Old Dog." They do not suggest that
Something Magic could have been a great or even good
Procol Harum album. But they do add to an understanding of one of the more confusing chapters in the band's history.
AMG Review by William Ruhlmann
Έλα ρε φίλε, δεν το πιστεύω! Καστοριά? Με τρέλανες τώρα. Άσε που έκανα φανταρικό 6 μήνες στο 574. Ωραία πόλη!!!! Αργύρης.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήSorry που δεν είχα απαντήσει μέχρι τώρα, αλλά με τόσα sites, έχω χάσει τη μπάλα. Don't worry we gonna keepin' touch!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΜην ανησυχείς Αργύρη και μη μου στεναχωριέσαι (λέμε τώρα). Νάμαστε καλά να τα λέμε. Από Καστοριά είναι η καταγωγή και όποτε μπορώ ανηφορίζω (συνήθως Πάσχα, είναι must). Αν ανέβω φέτος (50-50 οι πιθανότητες) ελπίζω να τα πούμε!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήA better review here:
Indeed a much more comprehensive review for an album which is not their swan song (and they proved it some years later). Although PH created much better albums, this one has a special place in my heart, as being associated with nice moments back in the 70-80's.