While it would be easy to tag German chooglers Jane with the often overused Krautrock label, the band have far more in common with the bongwater-soaked riffage of Deep Purple and Grand Funk Railroad, than the more academic, experimentally minded sounds of Can, Neu! and even Amon Duul II. This album--the band's third and released in 1974--is easily their high-water mark. Epic guitar solos collide with space-boogie grooves, white blues vocals, and Age-of-Aquarius mysticism to create what is certainly a forgotten classic. That Jane were bona fide rock stars in their native land makes the album all the more interesting. Originally released on the German psych/prog label Head, Britain's SPV reissued it in 2007 with informative liner notes.
AMG Review by RoviTwo more from JANE here
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